Project Manager
Pamela has worked on many projects across the Food, Automotive, Higher Education and Nuclear Industries. With experience in project managing the implementation of technology focussed projects along with leading on change programmes to support new ways of working for employees, making her an invaluable asset to the CSI team. Most recently she was working for a learning and development company called Laughology. Her role supported the implementation of a learning skills platforms, including end user support and training as well as measuring impact for business development and continuous curse content improvement.
Pamela holds a degree in Business Information Systems and while working for Liverpool John Moores University on an ERDF funded project, gained her Masters in Business Improvements. Pamela is also a Six Sigma Green Belt and has joined the Centre for Sustainable Innovation to project manage the Centre for Digital Innovation projects.
Email: p.betts@salford.ac.uk
LinkedIn: Pamela Betts | LinkedIn