Innovation Labs

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Are you an SME in Greater Manchester with a groundbreaking idea or project? Are you struggling to move through the innovation process? Don’t miss out on this fully funded, 3-day innovation workshop aimed at supercharging your innovation journey!

What is it?

Innovation Labs is a fully funded business support
programme delivered by the Centre for Sustainable
Innovation (CSI)
at Salford University Business
. This collaboration with the Greater
Manchester Business Growth Hub
is supported by experts
from North of England Robotics Innovation Centre
. The 3-day innovation programme is aimed
at providing businesses with a safe environment to
explore ideas, gain access to experts, and help shape
their projects through to commercialisation readiness.

Who is it for?

SMEs, Entrepreneurs, Startups and Businesses based in the Greater Manchester area who are looking to develop innovation across an established idea, product, process or service who need support.

 The University of Salford Innovation Labs programme will: ​

  • Support SMEs to recognise the opportunities that clean and sustainable growth & innovation represents for their business​.
  • Support business-led, low carbon R&D and innovation delivery of new products and services​.
  • Increase the capacity and appetite of SMEs to undertake R&D within the Higher Education sector. ​
  • Reduce emissions of green-house gases. ​
  • Help increase capacity and capabilities in low carbon technology & innovation pilots, prototyping and demonstrating technological solutions and benefits.​
  • Deliver innovations that align with the Clean Growth Strategy and smart specialization in low-carbon eco-innovation in Greater Manchester.

The Programme: Know, Try, Apply

Hosted at NERIC within the University of Salford the three days of innovation sprints follow our Know, Try, Apply methodology.

  • Day 1 gives you the tools and skills to understand the innovation process, providing tools to help you analyse your market, research the latest thinking and identify opportunities. Day 1 will also explore how to take these opportunities and validate their commercial value and efficiency.
  • Day 2 allows you to build and try out your new found skills in taking an idea forward. Working with others: you will see the benefit of working with peers, experts and key stakeholders to firm up your innovation idea.
  • Day 3 our team of experts will help you apply your knowledge directly to exploit your innovation, providing potential routes to access additional funding.

On all 3 days the programme will be supported by innovation and growth experts, technical experts, consultants and commercialisation specialists who will provide a wide range of skills and support.

diagram depicting the innovation process of discovery, interpretation, ideation, evaluation, evolution design sprint, actionable next steps.

Aims of the workshops:

  • To introduce the design sprint philosophy and the benefits of innovation to drive growth and sustainability​.
  • To apply the design sprint model using a case study example. ​
  • To support delegates in applying tools to generate innovation ideas and evaluating these with existing clients, peers, and specialists.​
  • Exploring opportunities in the market and the funding landscape for innovation​.
  • To scope out ideas for activation, delivery or commercialisation.

Cohort Dates:

  • Cohort 4 – October 2024 – Tuesday 15, Wednesday 16 and Tuesday 22 October – Now recruiting

How to apply?

To find out more get in touch via the button below or Contact: Kay Kukadia.

Delivering on behalf of GM Business Growth Hub:

Funded by:

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