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How to commercialise your research (Salford Academic and Professional Services Staff)

Tuesday 23 April 2024
13:00 - 15:00
Centre for Sustainable Innovation, Room 204, 43 Crescent, Maxwell Building Salford M5 4WT
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Led by Paul Cihlar, this Affiliate Workshop at the Center for Sustainable Innovation (CSI) offers an invaluable opportunity for University of Salford (UoS) academics to bridge the gap between their research endeavors and the practical needs of businesses and industries. Through insightful discussions, current case studies, and presentations from spin-out companies, attendees gain crucial insights into the commercialization of research and intellectual property (IP).

By understanding how to effectively translate their academic expertise into real-world solutions, academics can not only further their careers but also drive tangible impact on the regional and national economic landscape.

These workshops serve as a catalyst for fostering meaningful collaborations between academia and industry, ultimately contributing to sustainable innovation and economic growth.