Find out how the Help to Grow Management Course helped Beer Piper review and improve its internal processes.
Jeff Singer from Beer Piper, a Trafford Park-based business, attended the Help to Grow Management Course between 18 April and 11 July 2024. Beer Piper specialises in providing beer line cleaning systems for the hospitality industry and is part of a larger company with over 40 years of experience supplying chemicals to that sector.
By attending the Help to Grow Management Course, Jeff Singer was able to get a different perspective on the business, which allowed him to identify areas for improvement and implement changes.
The challenge
With the hospitality industry facing significant challenges since COVID-19, Jeff joined Help To Grow to learn how to make Beer Piper more resilient to sector-wide downturns, particularly by reviewing existing processes and areas where the business may be “set in its ways”.
Particularly, Jeff wanted to be able to contextualise Beer Piper’s place in the wider industry to create a more impactful business plan and speed up decision making by improving communication between managers and their teams.
The Help To Grow Management Course is designed to offer a combination of management skills and insights alongside new strategies and frameworks that can be implemented in a business to help it grow.
The solution
The Help To Grow Management Course is designed to offer a combination of management skills and insights alongside new strategies and frameworks that can be implemented in a business to help it grow.

Jeff believes that the Help to Grow management course offered significant value, both personally and professionally. One of the biggest impacts of the programme was how it helped him assess and benchmark Beer Piper’s operations, offering a fresh perspective on the company’s long-standing processes and an opportunity to make improvements.
He emphasised that, despite having solid systems in place after years of operation, there can always be room for improvement and that Help to Grow allowed him to identify where these could be made. As a result, Beer Piper has implemented multiple changes, which have had a positive impact on the business.
These changes included making use of a business plan that is now incorporated into every board meeting and helps put the wider trajectory of Beer Piper and its place within the hospitality sector into perspective. This, in turn, has helped them to formulate strategies to better navigate and weather the challenges faced by the sector
The improved perspective that resulted from building a business plan allowed Beer Piper to identify organisational issues that restricted decision making and agility between the leadership team and the rest of the staff. As a result, Jeff has now stepped in to bridge this gap, allowing the business to make quicker decisions.
Help to Grow has been positive for Beer Piper in many ways and due to this Jeff would highly recommends the programme to other businesses, particularly those with a long history in their respective industries. He thinks it offers companies an opportunity to gauge their performance and processes against best-practice, overcoming organisational blind-spots to identify and implement more efficient ways of working.